
Showing posts from November, 2023

Rewarding in to improve productivity

  The competitive environment in the manufacturing world has forced companies to keep their production efficiency at the highest level. Companies invest a lot of time in increasing employee productivity and performance. Hence, the objectives set by the company will be achieved automatically. Reasonable compensation will consist of both intrinsically and extrinsically rewarding systems in which extrinsic and intrinsic motivation would be simulated in the employee   (Ngwa, et al., 2019) . Intrinsic rewards take place within the job or task assigned to the employee. Further extrinsic rewarding occurs without relation to the job as an external factor. As stated by (AGBAEZE & EBIRIM, 2020), rewards associated with; ·        Pay, Salary incentives and bonuses ·        Work condition improvement and a healthy work environment ·        Fringe benefits ·     ...

Training and development , Influence in performance?

Every Human resource team must understand that the human workforce is an organisation's leading strength and backbone. Understand the importance of well-trained individuals in their specific scope of work, aiding the organisation’s success. The employees’ success and accomplishments should be accounted for as the company's success. The company should take pride in such instances. However, the issue and downfall of any employee should be accounted for by the company. To increase the number of successes and reduce the number of failures, the company should actively make decisions and give their employees opportunities in training and development. A direct correlation exists between employee performance and training and development, especially in a manufacturing-based business. This should be emphasized during performance evaluations where the right talents who deserve such training will be identified. Hence, an HR team should be actively and effectively working to make this succe...

Resting during work hours and its effect on productivity

 Slowing down the day of work by allowing the employee to rest during work hours has been stated to be effective in many aspects of a business such as high employee satisfaction and low employee turnover. Still, the main benefit has been highlighted in the physical and mentally straining industries such as the manufacturing industries which rely heavily on labor providing rest periods in a way it is not have a significant holt in the process will improve the productivity of the production process. studies done by (Purbawati, et al., 2016) on a company named Surya Hutani which is in the wood industry. The study continued to check the difference in productivity with the implementation of rest periods on women laborers and the entity which was measured was the output of cut wood. The productivity was calculated with the formulation derived in the introduction. It was found that there is an optimal rest period as the researcher carried out the test six different working hours and rest...

Recruiting the right individual, Success in Productivity

  There could be different technologies which could be used to identify a matching candidate for a position opening in an organization which will look into the skill and knowledge of the candidate however it is always evident that the best candidate on paper is rarely the best candidate in person when accounting all the aspects in an organization. Skill and knowledge are crucial for a job opening however it is not the most important aspect of a recruiting process in the modern world. Information and knowledge could be readily accessed through different platforms. Therefore, in-depth knowledge of a specific scope is not necessary in the modern world. However, companies show more interest in personality how well a person fits into the company’s culture and how well the individual comes in line with the company’s values and goals. When the following aspects come in line automatically recruiting rate will be high. Recruiting the right individual for the right position is critical for a...

Implementation of lean to increase productivity

  Through a significant number of studies, it is evident that the implementation of Lean manufacturing principles has increased the productivity of manufacturing businesses this is clearly stated in the research conducted by (Eva, et al., 2023) . The study states implementation of lean manufacturing within a company in Indonesia has created a positive work environment which consists of significant results such as higher employee awareness of the tasks they as assigned. Further, the employees for more informed about the production produced which leads to efficient handling of machinery in hand and increases the productivity of the whole process showing a direct correlation between the implementation of lean principles and an increase in the productivity of the employees. It was stated the employees responded by stating that the working environment of the manufacturing plant has also improved with the changes. Further, it was highlighted that the implementation happened within the li...

Factors improving employee productivity in a manufacturing business.

  Introduction The Basic concept of productivity refers to the output of products per unit of time hence it could be denoted in an equation; Productivity = Output/Work hours The output factor could vary from the nature of the business the most common factor which is highlighted according to (Marek, 2023) is Currency/money made in a given period however it also can be the measure of units produced in a given period. (Marek, 2023) has formulated an equation to implement a figurative interpretation so that a clear monitoring of productivity will be done the author also brought in an example to bring in a better understanding of the formulation of productivity. “If 20 boxes are produced which were sold for USD 2 and it took 10 minutes to produce the one box” it could be formulated as follows. Output in USD = 20 Boxes X $2 = $40 Work Time = 10min X 20 Boxes Work Time = 200min = 3.3h therefore, Productivity = $40/3.3h = $12.12 per hour Through the formulation it should be understoo...