Resting during work hours and its effect on productivity

 Slowing down the day of work by allowing the employee to rest during work hours has been stated to be effective in many aspects of a business such as high employee satisfaction and low employee turnover. Still, the main benefit has been highlighted in the physical and mentally straining industries such as the manufacturing industries which rely heavily on labor providing rest periods in a way it is not have a significant holt in the process will improve the productivity of the production process. studies done by (Purbawati, et al., 2016) on a company named Surya Hutani which is in the wood industry. The study continued to check the difference in productivity with the implementation of rest periods on women laborers and the entity which was measured was the output of cut wood. The productivity was calculated with the formulation derived in the introduction. It was found that there is an optimal rest period as the researcher carried out the test six different working hours and rest periods. It is seen that an average resting time of 4 minutes and 24 seconds per hour gives the optimal production.

Further, a study done by (Ni, et al., 2020) confirms the fact that giving breaks in between has conclusively increased productivity in Jaja Gipang employees by 46.57% with motivation before work starts. Productivity increased significantly when the employees were given rest and snacks in between work by a percentage of 40.86%.

The test was done in an autoreactive approach where the rest time and how the rest is taken by the employees were pre-defined by the employer. Adding on to the autoreactive approach higher ranking employee also could increase productivity in a much more delegative manner, where they select when they take a rest when they are mentally strained and feel unable to give their 100% to the company or the task they are doing. Conclusively we could say that Google as a company is a successful organization and keep their productivity at an optimal level but it is also seen that Google gives its employee a flexible work environment to work in. as shown in the video below.


Ni, L., Luh, M. & I, M., 2020. Giving Active Breaks and Snack Reduced Fatigue and Improved Motivation of Work and Productivity of Jaja Gipang Employee. Jurnal Ergonomi Indonesia, 6(2), pp. 124-131.

Purbawati, Muchlisrachmat, Yosep, R. & B.D.A.S, S., 2016. The Effect Of Resting Time To Work Productivity On Surya Hutani Jaya Company. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH , 5(12), pp. 50-58.



  1. Agree with you. resting during the day will make a good impression about the organization between employees and they will be motivated and creative as an end result productivity of the organization will increase. according to (D.L&F. De Seram) law firm based in Sri Lankan stated the worker is allowed to a meal or rest break of 30 mins at the expiration of any period of four hours continual employment, no rest is permissible if the employee is not engaged in work over five hours on any given day

    1. I appreciate and share your view that allowing employees to take breaks during the workday can have a positive impact on their productivity and job satisfaction. I would like to see more companies make employee-oriented decisions like what you have mentioned, also legislation in Sri Lanka pertaining to rest breaks for workers.

  2. Agree with you. Resting during working hours can give some energy to employees. In Sri Lanka, importance of resting and working is not valued. Resulting in high turnover and employee burn out.

    1. Thank you for your insight. In my personal experience, I have seen organizations such as Ansell Lanka implementing resting and working with the work hours, which has shown high rates of productivity boost.

  3. Providing rest during work hours seems like one that needs to be approached based on the leader's understanding of their team. Some employees tend to be lazy and demotivated if rest time is too much and some thrive. Quite possibly my thought on this maybe an unpopular one and the Harvard Business Review article below maybe one that Sri Lankan companies could understand and implement to create a better work environment that values the well-being of employees.


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