Training and development , Influence in performance?

Every Human resource team must understand that the human workforce is an organisation's leading strength and backbone. Understand the importance of well-trained individuals in their specific scope of work, aiding the organisation’s success. The employees’ success and accomplishments should be accounted for as the company's success. The company should take pride in such instances. However, the issue and downfall of any employee should be accounted for by the company. To increase the number of successes and reduce the number of failures, the company should actively make decisions and give their employees opportunities in training and development. A direct correlation exists between employee performance and training and development, especially in a manufacturing-based business. This should be emphasized during performance evaluations where the right talents who deserve such training will be identified. Hence, an HR team should be actively and effectively working to make this successful. Through such activities capabilities, knowledge and skills should be enhanced in the company and the individual benefit simultaneously. The following will increase the organization's overall performance and gain a competitive advantage against order companies (Joel, 2019). There should be significant emphasis given to the fact the training programs and other factors should be delivered effectively as most studies show that if effective methods are not used to provide the knowledge and training it has been observed in many cases. The employee does not gain any skill, which will result in a waste of time and money for the companies. To close such gaps, the HR team first should select the right person to undergo the training through monitoring of the performance and attitude of the employee. It is also essential to ensure that the training and development program will positively affect the employee's performance and the business's productivity.

Key factors to look into when designing a practical training and development program.

  • Analysis of the need for training and development This will be achieved by comparing the current competencies held by the employees and the competencies required by the employees to have a competitive advantage.
  • The learning outcomes and objectives should be outlined. The aim should always align with the company's objectives and goals.
  • The right and most effective training method should be outlined, which will mainly depend on the target employees in the training as different employee levels consist of varying knowledge levels. The specific level of the employee should be carefully identified. If the style is inadequate, time and money invested in the training will go to waste. It is also essential to consider external factors such as weather, the most effective time and where the training is held, which will all affect the effectiveness of the training. Ensure the content is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.
  • The material and platform the training is delivered from should also be accounted for. The main methods outlined when talking about training platforms are;
    • eLearning
    • On-the-job-training
    • Instructor-led training
    • Coaching
    • Simulation training
    • Video Training
  • There are many software and technologies which the company could invest in to enhance the training experience effectively.
  • An effective training program should make sure all the participants are engaged and motivated to attend the training throughout all parts
  • It is essential to monitor and evaluate the training at the end of each program from the end of the employee who participated and further by assessing the performance of the employee to make sure the training has bought any effect on the productivity and benefit the company which is the ultimate goal of a training program. (Gupta, 2023)

Key factors that should be addressed in a training and development program targeting performance enhancement

  • Proper knowledge of the equipment used and skills needed to improve productivity
  • Dealing with high workloads and unclear objectives so the process will not stagnate.
  • Dealing with management and a clear understanding of the line of order in the company
  • Training on safety practices
  • Giving the employee a clear idea of the company’s work ethics, culture and reward system
  • Emphasis on teamwork followed by motivating co-workers and effective communications
  • Influence on job enrichment, empowerment, compensation, personality and attitudes

Was the Training and development session effective? How do we know?

It is essential to evaluate each training program to assess its success and effectiveness. To make sure the program has achieved the objective set at the start. To do so, assessing all measurable schemes in the training program is important. The factor which could be used to measure the success is as follows;

  • Testing the knowledge gained by the training
  • Conducting quizzes, exams, and demonstrations by the employee can be used to evaluate how well the employees have grabbed the information delivered.
  • Observation of employees within the work environment
  • Employee feedback
  • Quantified data analysis: Data such as profit or manufactured units and customer feedback can be analysed to check the effectiveness of programs.

As discussed, investing in employee training and development benefits any organisation, especially manufacturing businesses striving to maximise productivity and increase performance. Through the outlined pointers by researchers (Rifqa & Sopiah, 2022) and (Joel, 2019)  it is proved that training and development do have a direct correlation with the performance and productivity of employees. Effective training will enable the employees to gain the skills and knowledge they need to overcome their tasks more efficiently with minimum or no errors. Employees will be trained to improve the workflow and achieve company goals more efficiently and profitably to be more productive. Hence, training and development should be prioritised in any organisation that needs a competitive advantage and success in the industry. As a result of training and development, the company will consist of employees who have good career growth and are more motivated, skillful, capable and ready to adapt to new challenges with innovative insights.


Gupta, D., 2023. How to Develop an Effective Training Program (2023). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 19 November 2023].

Joel, R. K., 2019. The Importance of Training and Development in Employee Performance and Evaluation. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3(10), pp. 206-212.

Rifqa, F. & Sopiah, 2022. HUMAN RESOURCES TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT : A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW AND BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS. Jurnal Ekonomi Kreatif dan Manajemen Bisnis Digital, 1(2), pp. 204-217.



  1. I totally agree with you Dushtantha. Training and development will bring out the best out of your employees. further introduction of new technologies will require training and development. How do you effectively choose the right training methods stated in your article?

    1. Thank you for commenting. i second your statement. continuous training and development will keep increasing the productivity.

  2. Training and development helps employees to enhance their performance, knowledge and career growth. on the other hand the organization will benefit with high performance, motivated and committed employees, skilled employees ultimately the organization will go into new heights, having a competitive advantage resulting in ability for the organization to grab the market share of a growing market. Hence, improving profits. Further, employee too will benefit out of training and development which will make their CVs colorful aiding in their career growth.

    1. Thank you for adding your thoughts. Yes, organizations investing in training and development will benefit both the employee and the organization, as you have mentioned.

  3. Your approach to designing a training program is strategic, aligning with industry best practices. Emphasis on needs analysis, clear objectives, and alignment with company goals is commendable. Diverse training methods, including eLearning and simulations, show consideration for varied learning needs. Mention of technology investment reflects modernization. Prioritizing participant engagement and motivation is practical. Monitoring and evaluating impact on performance underscores a results-oriented mindset. Your feedback is concise and professional, effectively covering key aspects.

  4. Agreed. Training and development is beneficial not just to the employee but to the employer as well. While the employee levels up in value their output is also levelled up to meet the companies requirements. It is a cycle of benefit for both the employer and employee.


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