Recruiting the right individual, Success in Productivity


There could be different technologies which could be used to identify a matching candidate for a position opening in an organization which will look into the skill and knowledge of the candidate however it is always evident that the best candidate on paper is rarely the best candidate in person when accounting all the aspects in an organization. Skill and knowledge are crucial for a job opening however it is not the most important aspect of a recruiting process in the modern world. Information and knowledge could be readily accessed through different platforms. Therefore, in-depth knowledge of a specific scope is not necessary in the modern world. However, companies show more interest in personality how well a person fits into the company’s culture and how well the individual comes in line with the company’s values and goals. When the following aspects come in line automatically recruiting rate will be high. Recruiting the right individual for the right position is critical for an organization to keep its productivity are an optimal level. However, a study done by (Jim, 2022) states in a global context 33% of companies think that their hiring process is strong and they select the most matched individual for the position. 33% is a significantly low percentage for a company of any scale. This will reflect as a negative aspect where an employee who does not fit into the company’s culture, values or capabilities the company expects both the productivity of the production process and the employee satisfaction will deteriorate significantly. The survey conducted by LinkedIn in the year 2016 clearly shows how the companies in each region think about how effective their recruitment process is.

according to the article “ A million good reasons for getting it right- the true cost of bad hiring” (Matthew, 2018)  almost 85% of organizations admit to making a wrong recruitment decision with a rate of 33% (Matthew, 2018)  further states that the cost of the make such a wrong decision may cost the organization significantly financially as well as in terms of demotivation or other member of the workforce which is much more problematic as the productivity of the production process will drastically go down. The direct financial effects of hiring the wrong person will relate to the HR manager's salary and time during the recruiting process, the cost of inducting the employee into the company, training, and lower productivity. Given that when wrong hiring is done there is a low possibility that the employee will remain in the company for a long time as there is no benefit to the company from the employee on the other hand the employee will not be happy in the work environment. The costs are not limited to direct costs there are a significant amount of hidden costs involved with wrong hiring. According to (Matthew, 2018)  a cost of more than 3 times the employee's salary may be charged by the company person and according to the statistics by LinkedIn it is said that wrong hiring will take place 33% of the time hence in a workforce of hundred employees and with the statistic it is said that there will be 33 employees who does not match to their job or fit the company and if assuming the the average salary of each employee is about LKR 100,000 the company could go to a loss of about 3.3 million in direct and indirect cost such as productivity. Therefore, the right method must be introduced and maintained to reduce the percentage of wrong hiring in the company.

How to select the right match for the organization? How to be consistent in recruiting the right person?

With following five tips are an assurance that the 33% of wrong hiring could be significantly reduced. This will in hand increase the success rate of the company meeting its goals and increase profitability hence reflecting on the productivity of the business. During the screening interview and selection process the team or person responsible for making the final decision should have the following key points at the back of their mind at all given times.

  • In-depth knowledge of the candidate’s aspiration
  • Make sure the question asked by the candidate reflects the company’s core values.
  • Get to know the flaws of the candidate from their own words 
  • Always do not depend on one person to make the final decision as there could be personal bias traits in each person
  • Ask the question from the hiring manager if the candidate adds color to the company’s culture (Kate, 2022)

The video gives a good insight into choosing the right person for an organization and the importance of having the right personnel within the company.


Available at:
[Accessed 13 November 2023].

Kate, J., 2022. How to Hire the right person. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2023 November 2023].

Matthew, L., 2018. A Million Good Reasons for Getting it Right - The True Coast of a Badd Hire. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 November 2023].



  1. Recruiting the right individual for the right position is important for any organization. You are correct. I agree with you. Hiring a new employee who is the right person for the open position is always essential. Organizations depend on the employees. Employees represent the facet of the business, they are the ones who communicate with clients in large spaces. Whereas, hiring the wrong one will cost you more than money.

    1. Thank you for your insight on the topic. Hiring the right individual is crucial for any organization. The right employee can contribute significantly to the growth of the business, while the wrong one can lead to devastating consequences. Investing time and resources in a diligent recruitment process to hire the right candidate is essential.

  2. True..The right hires contribute to efficient operations, enhanced team collaboration, and a positive work culture. Ultimately, strategic and effective recruitment plays a pivotal role in driving organizational success by securing the talent needed to maximize productivity and achieve business objectives.

    1. Thanks for your comment. I agree that suitable hires are crucial for efficient operations, team collaboration, and a positive work culture. Recruitment is a strategic process pivotal to organizational success by securing the talent needed to achieve business objectives. A team of talented and passionate individuals committed to common goals is always great.

  3. Back in the day when we used to be in school we were told that work experience is the most important aspect to get a good job. You would even for an interview as a school leaver and you would be told that they are looking for someone with experience. However this day and age it seems to have shifted and a qualification is paramount to get a good job.

    1. Thank you for the comment! I personally think since knowledge is readily present with the important technologies such as AI dominating most manufacturing fields, experience will be a great factor when recruiting, as with experience on the right time, an effective method could be identified for implementation at the right time.

  4. Great insight. The constant challenge is finding the right candidate. With 5 generations in the workforce today, identifying the right candidate for the job is a challenge and the upkeep of this process is a difficulty too and one that would need to be monitored closely and improved overtime.

  5. Your succinct emphasis on strategic recruitment's impact is spot on. Highlighting the link between the right hires, operational efficiency, and a positive work culture aligns well with organizational success. The use of "maximize productivity" and "achieve business objectives" resonates with a results-driven approach. Overall, your feedback maintains a professional and spartan tone while effectively conveying the importance of effective recruitment. Great job!


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