Implementation of lean to increase productivity

 Through a significant number of studies, it is evident that the implementation of Lean manufacturing principles has increased the productivity of manufacturing businesses this is clearly stated in the research conducted by (Eva, et al., 2023). The study states implementation of lean manufacturing within a company in Indonesia has created a positive work environment which consists of significant results such as higher employee awareness of the tasks they as assigned. Further, the employees for more informed about the production produced which leads to efficient handling of machinery in hand and increases the productivity of the whole process showing a direct correlation between the implementation of lean principles and an increase in the productivity of the employees. It was stated the employees responded by stating that the working environment of the manufacturing plant has also improved with the changes. Further, it was highlighted that the implementation happened within the limits of the culture of the company which made it more effective. It is stated that lean concepts could be used to manage the workforce similarly to the management of infrastructure and machinery. However, there few downfalls when introducing the lean concepts to a company which has never followed any of the concepts previously the management faced high costs in extensive training as the employee's actions as well as their mindset had to be changed to come line with concepts put forward by lean which was time consuming. Further, there were significant changes done in the infrastructure of the company which will bear costs further few employees were resistant to change with gaps in communication and and conflict of interest. Apart from a few downfalls (Eva, et al., 2023) state lean tactic improves the environment and excellence and productivity increase with statistical proof hence the implementation of lean concepts is beneficial. Therefore, the lean concept is a good aspect to discuss about the main topic. further (Renaud, 2012) provides how the implementation of lean has significantly changed the game for industries involved with the international brand Nike.

(Pedro, et al., 2014) state how HR is directly involved in the implementation of lean concepts into a business.

The lean concept takes into account the following aspects

A.    Defects

B.     overproduction

C.     waiting

D.    Non-utilized talent

E.     Transportation

F.     Inventory

G.    Motion

H.    Extra-processing

According to (Alecia, 2022) looking into the following factors will give a clear illustration of factors affecting the efficiency of the company.  By putting each of the processes through the following criteria identification is much more accurate and managing the employees taking part in each of the processes in the manufacturing plant will be easy.

A.    Defining Value

In implementation of a lean value stream or defining value is a significant core which should be addressed. Identification and mapping of all the steps involved individually from raw material supply to final delivery to analysis with the following step adds value to the customers which is the main goal of any business to satisfy the end customer. The data collected should be represented in a clear visual representation which is known as a stream map which will make the future steps easier.

B.     Eliminate waste

Was the it states it is the elimination of wastage in the process which could vary from unutilized floor area to unwanted tasks carried out within the company which can be removed or altered to minimize cost depending on the fact if it adds value to the customer directly or indirectly.

C.     Quality focused.

Continuous improvement to the quality to ensure the customer will benefit through the result. The quality will be maintained continuously and achieved with minimum wastage and a specific work plan giving a mechanism effect

D.    Value stream optimised

We are optimizing the process to get the best possible result with the use of concept ‘A’. However, optimization must take place in a systemized manner rather than an approach of a single person.

E.      Create continuous flow using lean

Maintaining good flow throughout each of the steps in the production line where all component operates chain complimenting each of the processes involved as the supply chain should complement the production team followed by the finance team hence the elimination of bottlenecks and hold-up will happen further the complimenting should not happen only in the department aspect it should also take place within employees to keep up moral and team work.

F.     Organize workspaces

One of the most important aspects of lean is to organize the workplace in order hence idle time would be kept to a minimum most companies tend to implement the system originated in Japan to the keep workspace organized therefore lowest amount of time wasted will take place. The system is known as Five ‘S’

                                                  i.     Sort: Identifying and removing unnecessary tools and materials to create an organized and efficient workspace this will increase productivity significantly

                                                ii.     Set in order: Organize items assertively for easy identification and access.

                                               iii.     Shine: the work environment is kept clean, visually appealing, and free from trash, promoting a safer workplace will not consist of any distractions

                                               iv.     Standardize: Regular maintenance and cleaning schedules standardize activities in the workspace.

                                                 v.     Sustain: make sure each employee is working towards keeping the system established and running continuously

G.    Understand your takt time based on demand

This is a calculation and monitoring-based approach where the time taken to produce a single unit product is taken depending on the demand. With the following findings, it is easy for the production to work systematically with minimum faults and generate situational awareness of the production process to the management

H.    Mechanisms to prevent errors

Following all the processes being analysed innovative steps should be taken so that human error will be insignificant in the process.

I.       Information availability

All details related to the production process will be readily available to the employees so a clear idea of the progress of the task and the employees who are responsible for the following tasks will be readily available therefore no mix-up will take place.

J.      Minimise inventory with just-in-time

Proper management of the inventory so that overpurchase or underpurchase of raw materials will not take place causing fanatical problems for the company by under-purchasing the process might slow down or come to a hold.

K.    Invest in and trust in employees

Understanding roles, respecting feedback, and engaging with staff. Identification of areas for improvement, promoting innovation and increasing efficiency

L.     Monitor productivity

the performance of the employees is closely monitored and compared with preset goals with production time and quality

M.   Continuous improvement

New innovative methods and processes will be implemented into the production process which may increase productivity, reduce waste or improve the quality of the production. They also originated from a concept developed by the Japanese known as Kaizen

(Alecia, 2022)

The use of the lean core concept within a manufacturing business brings in good human resource management which will increase the productivity of the company in a significant manner. However lean implementation is not only limited to managing the workforce it also helps in keeping the machinery up-to-date and well maintained which will reduce downtime of the machinery.


Alecia, B., 2022. The 13 Core Lean Manufacturing Principles Explained. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 November 2023].

Eva, Y., Syamsu, R. & Baso, I., 2023. Application of Lean Manufacturing Principles in Increasing Factory Productivity. West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship, 1(10), pp. 264-270.

Pedro, J.-J., José, M.-F. & Jerez-Gómez, P., 2014. Human resource management in Lean Production adoption and implementation processes: Success factors in the aeronautics industry. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 17(1), pp. 47-68.

Renaud, A., 2012. Nike’s Efforts at Ethical Sourcing (CSR) and Lean. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12 November 2023].



  1. 5S is a very old practice that has been very successful in SL as well. It was an approach that was even implemented in schools in the 90s onwards. The main reason would be that it is very practical and involves everyone in the company.

    1. Thank you for your insight, I hundred per cent agree with your statement.

  2. Lean is a very effective way of removing wasted time and material from a process. however it is interesting how you have related lean concepts into implementations through HRM.

    1. thank you for your comment. Lean could be implemented in a given scenario to increase the productivity of companies. HRM team could use it to eliminate wasted time by the workforce

  3. Agreed. Lean implementation is a catalyst for heightened productivity, eliminating waste and fostering continuous improvement. This strategic approach not only streamlines processes but also cultivates a culture of efficiency, positioning businesses for sustained success.

    1. i agree with your statement 100%. Adding on lean should not be few concepts printed on the walls of the organization and with labelled equipment and path ways; however, it should be put into the employee's mindset where the HRM teams play a huge role in increasing productivity by the implementation of lean as HRM teams should be responsible for all the training and development in the implementation part of lean.

  4. Adding on to Reza's comment, I found the 5 S system roll out so well (When working for CMG) and also helped me personally to organize things at home... I come to say that the 5S system was a success in SL...

  5. Agreed, lean management definitely increases productivity by eliminating waste, optimizing processes and ensuring resources are used effectively thereby enhancing productivity and better management of organizational goals.


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