Employee satisfaction. Does it affect Employee Performance?


Unsatisfied employees do not tend to stay with the company for long periods. They will resign, leading to the company having overhead costs with rehiring and training and poor performance, specifically in manufacturing businesses. There is a debate in human resource management about whether there is a correlation between job satisfaction and employee performance. It is also crucial that the employee chooses the proper organization in which to work. No matter how much effort is put in by the company to improve the quality of the work life and increase job satisfaction, if the employee does not fit into the common goal of the company and the culture of the company. The following employee will be unsatisfied at all times. However, HR Teams have a responsibility to fit the organization's values. Due to the rise in the number of queries about the relationship between the two topics, investigating the following topic has shown high importance. Numerous studies have been done to find conclusive results proving the relationship between job satisfaction and performance  (Revenio, 2016). To date, human resources teams have found it challenging to find direct data on how the company can directly improve job satisfaction as satisfaction is subjective and differs from person to person. There is no method to quantify satisfaction. As stated by  (Revenio, 2016) job satisfaction is a complex topic involving many external factors. Even though there are complex relationships between job satisfaction and performance. However, many academic studies show that job satisfaction, motivation, and job performance are areas that have to be overlooked by the human resources department of an organization. It also states that all of these factors are interconnected. Job satisfaction can be highlighted in many aspects, such as psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances. This factor could single-handedly or in combination affect an employee’s job satisfaction. The HR Team should closely monitor job satisfaction by assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of approaches taken by the organization to improve job satisfaction among employees. This will outline if the efforts and investments have been practical. One of the main ways  (Revenio, 2016) stated employee satisfaction could be achieved is by treating all employees fairly and equally and further respecting the employees in all aspects, which aligns with human values and ethics. With happy employees, it is evident that they perform at the highest capacity, increasing the organization's overall performance. Job satisfaction leads to good emotional and mental states of employees.

Job satisfaction, in many cases, was related to the following factors

  • Good salary and other tangible benefits
  • Career and personal growth
  • Work-Life Balance Job Security
  • Recognition and admiration of superiors
  • Challenges rather than doing the same task over and over
  • Equitable 
  • Rewards
  • Supportive environment
  • Job fitting to the personality

 Measuring Job Satisfaction: Are the organization's efforts worth the investment?

There are many approaches which could be implemented to measure the satisfaction of its employees. This can start with simple feedback through questionnaires or other feedback platforms that are designed to measure different aspects of job satisfaction. Another famous method includes the job description index, which conducts the assessment in five main components:

  • Work on the present job 
  • Present pay 
  • Opportunities for promotion  
  • Supervision on job
  • People in the present job

 Furthermore, a survey implementing the Herzberg Two-factor theory where the positive and negative factors on the job are assessed and the factor affecting job satisfaction is pointed out. They attribute positive experiences to "motivators" and negative experiences to "hygiene" factors. (Michael, 1989)

Benefits of providing satisfaction within a job

Job satisfaction will have a direct positive effect on the performance of the employees, which influences the values and the values and motive of the employees. Organizations need to understand the requirements of employees and treat them individually to make them feel optimistic about the organization. Satisfied employees will be committed to the job, self-educated to find innovative solutions for problems, self-motivated, and have an efficient work ethic. Job satisfaction is one of the variables for person-job fit, which is crucial for high job performance. (Abdulwahab, 2016)


Abdulwahab, S. B., 2016. The relationship between job satisfaction, job performance and employee engagement: An explorative study. Issues in Business Management and Economics, 4(1), pp. 1-8.

Michael, A., 1989. DO HAPPY WORKERS WORK HARDER? The effect of job satisfaction on work performance. How harmful is happiness, pp. 94-105.

Revenio, J., 2016. Job Performance, Satisfaction, and Motivation: A Critical Review of their Relationship. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, NA(NA), pp. 36-43.



  1. Employee satisfaction directly affect to Employee Performance. No doubt about this. When employees have satisfaction in their job, they're more productive. Job satisfaction is important because when employees are happy with their work, they will automatically be more engaged, helping them contribute to the company's success.

    1. Thank you for the comment! Yes, I agree with your statement that highly satisfied employees tend to be more motivated to work more efficiently. Hence increasing the productivity of the organization. It is important for organizations to look into employee satisfaction and also invest heavily in it.

  2. I hundred percent agree with you. Unsatisfied employees are not motivated to work and they are not tend to stay in that organization. therefore, high amount of investment should go into re-hiring process. rather than that company should focus on current employees satisfaction in order to keep motivated and performing within the organization.

    1. Thank you for your valuable insight. Keeping employee satisfied will keep increasing productivity when utilized properly

  3. Good article about employee satisfaction relate with performance, employee performance. Required skills and knowledge, satisfaction at work and the best working culture the corporation of all these will make the well performing satisfied employee. employee engagement, best culture, motivation, rewards, compensation,
    recognition, training and development, mentoring are few key factors of making employee satisfied


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